Choosing Education Over Other Persuits
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Choosing Education Over Other Persuits

When I graduated from high school, I thought about seeing the world. I wanted to take a year off of school, travel to foreign countries and see what I could do and see abroad. I got a passport and was just about to leave on my journey when a family member mentioned something about college. Their little comment made me stop and realize how much my trip would cost and how it might curb my education. This blog is all about choosing education over other pursuits, and learning how to prioritize your life goals. After all, without an education, you can't go far.


Choosing Education Over Other Persuits

Educational Puzzles That Correspond To Your Lesson Plans

Caroline Barnes

If you homeschool your child and will be incorporating outdoor activities with their studies, use educational crossword puzzles to introduce new material. Educational puzzles that contain clues and answers that relate to natural features, landmarks, and public venues will provide your loved one with some baseline information that will familiarize them with an upcoming yard activity or public venue.

Books That Will Inspire Lesson Planning

If you have been sticking to a fairly basic curriculum so far and would like to expand your efforts, by introducing some interesting areas for your child to explore outside of their home, purchase some themed educational crossword puzzles. Choose books that contain puzzles that relate to historical items and scientific facts.

Acquire some inspiration for future field trips, by browsing through each book and observing what theme each puzzle relates to. Maybe, you will find some puzzles that will correspond to backyard activities, such as identifying plants, bugs, and trees, or you may encounter some puzzles that contain information about a particular place that is located near where you reside. A puzzle could influence your decision to assign a backyard project or conduct an outing that includes visiting the place that was highlighted in the puzzle.

A Fun Way To Absorb Information

Reading information that is in textbooks or listening to lectures that are long can result in your child becoming frustrated with their home studies. Although both of these practices are important aspects of learning, using educational crossword puzzles is a fun way for your child to absorb new information.

If the puzzles have pictures printed on them that can be hand-colored, instruct your child to complete a particular crossword puzzle and color the artwork that is printed on the page. After they have completed the assignment, check the answers that your child provided and introduce colorful brochures or written materials that relate to an upcoming field study or outing that the two of you will be participating in.

Before participating in the study or outing, review the information that was presented in the crossword puzzle. After finishing an outside activity, ask your child questions about what they learned. Use all of the completed crossword puzzles to create a study booklet. The booklet can contain puzzles that relate to many different things and can be used as a review resource, prior to testing your child on particular material that has been introduced during their home studies. 
