Choosing Education Over Other Persuits
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Choosing Education Over Other Persuits

When I graduated from high school, I thought about seeing the world. I wanted to take a year off of school, travel to foreign countries and see what I could do and see abroad. I got a passport and was just about to leave on my journey when a family member mentioned something about college. Their little comment made me stop and realize how much my trip would cost and how it might curb my education. This blog is all about choosing education over other pursuits, and learning how to prioritize your life goals. After all, without an education, you can't go far.


Choosing Education Over Other Persuits

Test Prep Tactics: How To Tackle Your Next Test With Confidence

Caroline Barnes

If the thought of taking a test fills you with anxiety and dread, you are not alone. While some apprehension is normal when you are faced with a big test, being adequately prepared can help you tackle any test with confidence in your ability to succeed. Finding the best test prep method that suits your personality is one of the ways you can put your mind at ease on testing day. 

Studying with a friend

If you are a people person, studying for a test can feel lonely and may cause you to avoid the process of studying because you do not like feeling isolated. Getting a friend or fellow student onboard to help you prepare for a test will help you look forward to studying rather than dreading it. Creating a study group with other students is another way for those who crave the company of others to study while socializing. 

Handwriting notes

One of the easiest ways to memorize anything is to write it down the old-fashioned way. With today's technology, handwriting notes may seem outdated or boring. However, writing is a very effective way to study and allows you to memorize the material as you put it down on paper.

Using colorful pens can enhance the visual learning experience and make it easy to color-coordinate various topics so you can easily recognize them when going over your notes. Using an attractive notebook in your favorite color can also make the studying and learning process more fun. Handwriting notes is a good method of study for those who consider themselves perfectionists. 

Create flashcards

Many students are familiar with the flashcard method of learning as it is often introduced early in education (and for good reason). Writing key information on flash cards makes it easy to study on the run or when you have a few spare moments at lunch or before you go to bed at night. It is a simple method of learning that is a great fit if you have a short attention span or find yourself easily distracted when studying.

Nobody wants to wake up with dread and anxiety on the day of a big test. Fortunately, there are several methods of test preparation to help you prepare for a test, and trying different methods will help you narrow down which ones work best for you. Knowing you are well-prepared for a test will help you eliminate some of the anxiety you experience when testing day arrives.

Look to a company like High Performance Tutoring to find out more.
